Friday 23 July 2021

How short films can help you improve your speaking skills

Room 8 is a short film, winner of the Bombay Sapphire's Imagination Series. It was

written and directed by James W. Griffiths.  A prisoner in a Russian prison is intrigued

by a red box which he was told to not touch . Should he open it? What will he find inside?

This film makes a great opportunity for discussion and speaking practice.

Watch and start the discussion! 

Here are some ideas for discussion:
1) Comprehension
  • Where are the people?
  • What is in the red box?
  • Describe the room.
  • Does the prisoner manage to escape? Why/why not?
2) Further discussion:

  • What is the message (if any) of this short film?
  • How does the idiom"curiosity killed the cat" apply to this story?
  • What would have happened if the prisoner hadn't opened the box?
  • What would you have done in the prisoner's place?

Download PDF

Friday 16 July 2021

This is why the Present Perfect tense is so popular

We use present perfect tense to talk about different things:
1) For actions which started at some time in the past and still continue in the present. (I've spoken English for a long time.)
2) For actions performed at an indefinite time between the past and now. (I've been to Engalnd twice.)
3) To describe life experiences. (She has never eaten sushi.)
Try this exercise to practise present perfect tense.

Download PDF

Conversation topics

In this tic tac toe game, you choose a number and talk about it for 40 seconds to get your noughts or crosses.


Sunday 11 July 2021

Thursday 17 June 2021

Past participles Game. 💎💎

Jewels of Wisdom, combines flashcard knowledge with a fast paced jewel matching game. Learn and practise past participles with this matching game. Good luck!

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Modals Worksheet

Modals are quite common in the English language. We use modals to show if we believe something is possible, impossible, necessary or not necessary. You can practise your modals with this liveworksheet.

Monday 31 May 2021

Weather and clothes

You can practise weather and clothes vocabulary with this liveworksheet.

Sunday 23 May 2021

Talking points Board game

Have fun playing this board game and polish your speaking skills! Click on the link to access the game.

First questions with young KIDS

Play this game, designed for kids, to be played in pairs or groups.

Have fun with Vocabulary

Check your vocabulary having great fun with his Kahoot challenge!

Interactive Story

Hypermedia represents various multimedia elements which are linked with each other non-linearly. It's a new approach to didactic materials.
Hope you enjoy this interactive story based on the short story: "Claribel and the magic bonbons".

Saturday 22 May 2021

Argentina quiz on Kahoot

How much do you know about Argentina? Play this Kahoot to check ✔️!!


Practise modal verbs in English with this gamified quiz on quizziz,

Weather ☁️

With Mobbyt,, you can create your own games or play already created games.Try this weather trivia for kids: